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US Seaview Crystal Background :: Reviews

Prijs£8.55excl. TAX
Verkoop£7.53excl. TAX
U bespaart£1.02 (12%)
Beloning kredieten£0.04
Verzendgewicht0.1 kg

Seaview seals your background to your aquarium, eliminating the refraction of light behind the glass resulting in a flawless, illuminated, 3D view of your background from every angle. Your aquarium will have an amazing, clear background you will enjoy. You can find our product in many Pet stores across Canada.

Seaview seals your backgroundimage to your aquarium, eliminating the refraction of light behind the glass resulting in a flawless, illuminated, 3D view of your background from every angle. Your aquarium will have an amazing, clear background you will enjoy. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent ut metus elit, ut pharetra lectus. 

Seaview Solution is one-of-a-kind product! It's unique and effective.

Morbi erat orci, vulputate vitae tempor id, iaculis sed risus. Duis fermentum sem erat. Etiam ac dolor vel enim sodales lobortis id id enim. Ut ante mi, suscipit id malesuada non, bibendum eget purus. Suspendisse vitae tortor sed risus ornare condimentum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin auctor vehicula ligula ac posuere. Maecenas nunc lectus, ornare a ultricies ac, sagittis ac enim. Maecenas sodales nisl eu orci fermentum tincidunt. Morbi ac lorem in mi aliquet faucibus. Curabitur sollicitudin neque pharetra metus tincidunt venenatis eleifend nulla aliquam. Ut orci erat, mattis in varius quis, aliquet non magna. Fusce aliquet fringilla quam, cursus tempor arcu volutpat quis. Donec ut faucibus eros. Sed convallis risus magna.


  • Easy to Apply
  • Non Toxic
  • Works an Acrylic
  • East to remove
  • Unaffected by salt creep

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