Maxspect Programmable LED Aquarium Lighting(110V - 120V) :: Отзывы
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Verre on 25 Май 2010, 5:18 PM
very goods product
very goods product
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kicoiraola Гость on 31 Мар 2010, 4:10 PM
Very happy with the produc
Compré la de 60w y estoy muy contento con el producto. es totalmente silenciosa y perfecta para pequeños cubos de unos 70-80l.
Very happy with the product, super silent and great option for a little cube aroun 80liters.
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Lars Гость on 15 Ноя 2009, 1:28 PM
Excellent LED lighting
I am using two 110W on a 330 L reeftank and the quality and the power of the light is very good. The spectrum is a bit purple when compared to the T5 tubes (204W in total) that I used before.
Another advantage: The temperature of the reeftank has gone down by approximately 2 degrees after installing the Maxspect.
I am looking forward to receiving the more silent fans, because the present fans are much too noisy!
The fans in both the LED-panel and the powersupply are very noisy and should be changed for more silent fans, if the light is to be used on at reeftank in your livingroom.
I have measured the noise-levels and the are 45-50dB......
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Jakob-Denmark Гость on 3 Ноя 2009, 12:33 PM
Great lighting, but noisy
This light is the best I have ever seen. It has very good spread and warm and purple light at around 14-16.000K. The light is very much recommended and a small improvement over the 150w plus 2xt5 tubes I used to have over my 160 litre tank. Also, great control and nice design. The only problem is the noisy fans, but as soon as those are changed this lamp will be a best-seller. Also would have been nice to be able to control the fans and have a dimmer for the light. The blue light is extremely intense and your corals will simply glow. If not for the noise this would have been an "excellent" rating.

Editor from : We will send a new silent fan to Jakob on next week. And for customer is live in cooling country, never using chiller or Fan before~ So it think about the noise. Actually the sound equal to Jebo 6 Head Fan and low sound than the chiller fan sound
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