Filter Sock Mount 7"inch :: Críticas
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Salvatore Invitado on 9 Nov 2016, 12:23 AM
Grande come la cercavo per il mio acquario
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Fabian Invitado on 6 Sep 2012, 8:10 AM
Good quality, but too big!
Hatte bereits den 4 Zoll, wollte nun für mein neues Aqua den grö�eren. Dieser ist aber leider riesig und somit passt er nicht in meinen neuen Filter. Sehr schade.

Already had the 4 inch, now wanted for my new Aqua larger ones. This is unfortunately huge and therefore it does not fit in my new filter. A great pity.
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What New Function for Jebao WP10/25/40/60 New Function for you want?

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